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jugalator t1_iy339dx wrote

Yeah sure, my argument isn’t that it will be poor at creativity. It’s already great at that. But how it can match fluctuating client specs depending on business situation and which boss they just hired and the vision he/she has, and work together with their lifecycle policy is still unproven and this can introduce a ton of human, illogical factors.

Or if you don’t work as a consultant like me and maybe write iOS games, the tricky bits instead turn into market analysis and understanding what your gamers want.

The act of programming is sort of the easiest problem in software development, lol

But yeah if that’s all you do and is commanded by someone “higher up” what to do in a one-way communication from the top, these jobs are probably most at risk?

My experience is that this is however often only a part of our jobs. I transitioned from that role alone within my first three years or something.