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t1_iy0vhmb wrote

Most of this is cost. Robotics is easier in a standardized environment. Humans will, for a time, be better at one-off speciality stuff. But the cost variance to have "custom" will be 10-fold. Humans are stupidly expensive. That's why robots win. Not because they are at first better, but because they are nearly always hugely cheaper. They don't get tired. They only get better. They don't have mental breakdowns, get old, or go postal. And they get an upgrade in skills every 30 days. Hard to compete.


t1_iy0yi85 wrote

I'm guessing you've not worked on hardware platforms before. They do, indeed, get old. They break, sometimes fairly quickly. They will need to be maintained for their entire lifespan.


OP t1_iy0w4yo wrote

I believe with advanced AI and humans researching robotics in the future combined with more financial incentive will make Robotics cheaper and viable for specialty stuff.

I don't believe in exponential progress but I believe it does get faster quick and Robotics isn't an exception to this rule.
