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cy13erpunk t1_iy7ae8y wrote

i dont know necessarily HOW it will happen

but our future is arguably going to continue to follow a dystopian path for awhile , AI notwithstanding as it is atm

basically cyberpunk is our future right now , but to what degree i cant say ; a lot of famous sci-fi is much more advanced in very narrow ways , ie blade runner has interstellar android wars and flying cars , but no internet

our future is going to be weirder than most envisioned , as is usually the case ; but i dont see the powerful/corrupt being kicked from their ivory towers anytime soon , their propaganda still has the masses completely beguiled

the poor and/or ignorant are going to be the grease for the machine as always , and those who can figure out how to leverage new and disruptive technologies to their advantage will be able to climb up the ladder , just as we've seen in recent decades ; but the majority of common plebs/idiots/morons will just be unneeded/wasted labor , so ya there is going to have to be UBI or riots/gangs/etc will increase

all of the govs/banks are in the process of trying to rollout their CBDCs , and most peasants are just going to do whatever they are told ; but a majority AI guided economy would most likely want to use a Bitcoin based money system as it would not need the inflationary/corrupt aspects of centralized gov fiat , ie the AI has no need for greed like human politicians/bankers do

TLDR - change was coming , change is here , those that can adapt will be able to survive and/or thrive , those that cannot will suffer