gangstasadvocate t1_iya9c1g wrote
Surprisingly doesn’t sound all that small to me in the microscopic scale of things but I mean hell yeah if they say it’s progress then ight
LUNA_underUrsaMajor t1_iyapb6q wrote
Shoot a high power laser through it!
Awkward_Mongoose7679 t1_iyaprl6 wrote
Well a rough idea of that size: 1/10th a human hair is the size of one of your cells. So a thousand times smaller…it’s pretty lil
TrainquilOasis1423 t1_iyasscn wrote
If you have to say 10,000 times thinner than a human hair. Then it feels like a human hair is no longer a relevant point of comparison.
promptmonkeyai t1_iyatwnn wrote
Energy efficient computers and quantum tech...eli5 could this also be applied to help power homes & industry
blueSGL t1_iyb3tjb wrote
> “We programmed our knowledge of real photonic nanotechnology and its current limitations into a computer. Then we asked the computer to find a pattern that collects the photons in an unprecedentedly small area – in an optical nanocavity – which we were also able to build in the laboratory.”
this is the sort of stuff I want to start seeing more of. Get the computers to crunch the numbers and find better than SOTA solutions to problems.
Gilded-Mongoose t1_iyb9sg6 wrote
JumpOutWithMe t1_iybj5re wrote
"State of the Art"
Basically best available
Gilded-Mongoose t1_iybjil6 wrote
Thanks JOWM
Shelfrock77 OP t1_iybn3jw wrote
If you can make a better microscope, you can zoom in forever. This is what ties into multiverse theory.
OnlyMatters t1_iybqkrh wrote
What? If that’s true then a human hair is 5 cells wide, which its not.
clusterstage t1_iybsmjh wrote
clusterstage t1_iybsues wrote
Yeah it feels closer to 10 times thinner than a cell powerhouse (Mitochondria).
But then I dont know how that feels.
Kaining t1_iybt192 wrote
Check the username and you'll get it.
JumpOutWithMe t1_iybt7f6 wrote
I still don't get it
RadRandy2 t1_iyc4x4h wrote
Like a big bag of sand.
Awkward_Mongoose7679 t1_iyct3l2 wrote
It was an over simplification but you can approximate a human hair to be about 100um and cells to be about 10um. Hence 1/10th. Depends on the hair and the cell type you looking at but it was just meant to illustrate the scale of what the article is talking about. i.e. very small
HenryHorse_ t1_iycymjr wrote
Its going to allow very small animals to have very bright rooms
OnlyMatters t1_iyd0z49 wrote
I retract my comment. I had no idea that a hair was so small / cells were so large.
Shelfrock77 OP t1_iy97wgl wrote
“A research team from the Technical University of Denmark has created a device known as a “dielectric nanocavity” that successfully concentrates light in a volume 12 times smaller than the diffraction limit. The finding is groundbreaking in optical research and was recently published in the journal Nature Communications.”
“This major scientific advance has implications for many fields, including energy-efficient computers and quantum technology.”