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t1_iyc08lw wrote

Lol, wow I guess 70% of the entire US population didn’t get the memo. This drug is about to literally change the lives of most people in this country.


t1_iyc15xo wrote



t1_iyc1tnu wrote

I’m a home health PT and certified personal trainer. Don’t talk down to me about shit you know surface level facts on. Also the idea that food coloring and artificial flavorings is somehow leading to obesity is asinine. It’s more calories consumed than used. This is due to most people working sedentary jobs and the calorie density of prepared foods since most people don’t have the time or energy to cook after work. Telling people to eat less and move more is great and all but it doesn’t change the reality that for most people that advise won’t change shit about their BMI. Temporarily sure, permanently no. The hunger level people experience from losing a lot of weight is profound and enduring. Grelin is increased, leptin is decreased, Down regulation of GLP1 agonists. That’s what most obese people deal with indefinitely once they’ve lost a significant amount of weight. Not to mention the body’s self defense mechanisms like decreasing NEAT. You couple that with the fact that most people commute, sit chained to a computer all day, and you have a recipe for failure. Look up the statistics on long term weight loss. It’s mind blowing. Weight loss that lasts longer than 5 years is basically an anomaly and it’s not because 70% of people are fuck up retards. Maybe 65% but not 70% /s.