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t1_j1shlu6 wrote

Nope, you have no claim over my land, feel free to try and take it by force but be aware that I will give up my life before giving up my son's heritage which I worked for all my life.


OP t1_j1shu9x wrote

I think you're too threatened by what I say.

I am soon going to own some land of myself and my family actually has a lot of land, so please don't take it as a threat.

I'm actually more concerned about billionaires buying up endless acres of farmland, pricing people out of being able to establish on their own, turning farming into indentured servitude as a profession in the modern era.

So, progressive tax on land ownership... so if you own less than 500 acres, your tax would be low. If you own a few acres or less, your tax should be zero.

If you own 1,000,000 acres? You'd be taxed more, according to the value of the land.

That's the concept.


t1_j1t0246 wrote

One way we could do it would be that anyone who owns land worth under $5,000,000 shouldn’t be taxed for it at all, but the tax should exponentially increase after that. Alternatively we could just ditch property tax entirely and instead put a cap on the amount of land you can rent out at any given moment, which would prevent billionaires from creating a feudal serf class.


OP t1_j1t4hya wrote

Pretty much...

The surface of the earth - the real, beautiful natural surface of the earth, for the fact of it, cannot be replaced by a virtual world or being on the surface of another planet.

I do not want to see that ineffable, priceless beauty become something like a commodity like a precious metal.


OP t1_j1siaqp wrote

Also... zoning laws. Fuck needing permission to build a shed on my own goddamn property.


t1_j1szs18 wrote

That’s some pre-singularity thinking right there. Post singularity you’ll ask yourself why you would have even thought about giving up your great life for a worthless piece of land. Or a rouge AI could take your land and make you into paper clips lol who knows