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TheSecretAgenda t1_j14w4sj wrote

I was thinking about this the other day.

For example, Flemming discovered Penicillin in the 1920s. It took until the 1940s and a massive government investment to make it a mass-produced product because of the war effort.

Even if AGI was discovered tomorrow, it could take 10 plus years for AGI to have a meaningful impact on society.


Talkat t1_j15b9l9 wrote

I seriously doubt that. Chatgtp acquired users faster than any tech company.


VertexMachine t1_j16c556 wrote

Changes in digital space are fast. Changes in the physical world are slow. One can influence the other, but there are limits how fast physical world can change.... or as chatgpt would say:

In the digital world, changes can happen very quickly. Information can be transmitted instantly across the internet, and software can be updated and deployed almost instantly. In contrast, changes in the physical world tend to be slower and more laborious. It takes time and resources to build physical infrastructure, manufacture products, and make changes to the natural environment.

However, the digital world can influence the physical world and vice versa. For example, the internet and social media can be used to mobilize people and organize protests or other political action, which can then lead to changes in the physical world. Similarly, physical actions such as building a bridge or planting a forest can have long-term impacts on the natural environment and the quality of life for people living in the area.