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Sea-Advertising-3408 t1_iyqye1z wrote

I think the advancement of AI is slowly becoming mainstream and you can either embrace it or ignore it. As a 20 year old working to become a comp sci major, the chatGPI being able to somewhat code is absolutely terrifying to me.


freeman_joe t1_iyrgumj wrote

Good maybe people will start demanding UBI faster.


PrivateLudo t1_iyuc9g1 wrote

I hope we get UBI as fast as possible but humans tend to not act until massive amount of damage is already done


marcellux314 t1_iyrxgt0 wrote

give it another 10 years and software writing ai may easily replace the average engineer

Higher order work will probably still be handled by humans and time spent on lower level tasks will be passed over to ai. Instead of needing 10 people on average for a project there will likely be 2-3 programmers left with an ai assitant.
The current boom in the number of software engineers will contribute to the advancement of these ai assitants providing them with unprecedented amount of data.


camdoodlebop t1_iytqyyf wrote

10 years is probably too conservative with the speed of this technology