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OldWorldRevival OP t1_j0stv3m wrote

Ok communist.

Anyone who does work means thar you're entitled to benefit from your labor, no matter how little means they have, then.

What an asinine argument. You obviously have a callous heart and are willing to take hard work from people so that your fancy tool can be 2% better.

And the irony is the backlash from people like you being so mindless about it is what will actually slow it down.

So, you're an asshole and you're slowing progress. Congrats.


alexiuss t1_j0z785o wrote

you're the giant asshole for assuming things here, dawg.

  1. I grew up in USSR. Communism is an ideology that doesn't work and ended up killing 100 million people including both of my great grandfathers.
  2. open source personal ais are the future of uplifting individuals because they are teachers that can teach anything and personal assistants that can help out with any mental mundane task

>You obviously have a callous heart and are willing to take hard work from people so that your fancy tool can be 2% better.

eh? Why are you assuming such ridiculous nonsense? I'm working on a personal AI that uses public domain images and my own drawings. personal ais aren't corporate tools.

what you clearly misunderstand because you're not a python programmer is that artists won't win against corpo ais since the final product doesn't contain the scraped data in it. there's no legal avenue of attack for them and most corpo ais are assholes who won't share their private training datasets. nobody has any idea about whats inside novelai or MJ. not a single person can sue them.

corpo ais cannot be stopped, halting them is akin to trying to stop a chainsaw with bare hands

open source stable code release launched an AI revolution, so there's a new AI company born every day now in nearly every country with python programmers. The spread of AIs worldwide can't be stopped, can't be halted. It's moving faster than any laws are. The artists protest against ais is useless - the AI models are sprouting like mushrooms. Anyone who knows enough python can make their own AI model nowadays.

changing the law is useless because an AI can be hosted elsewhere. what is US jurisdiction going to do about an AI hosted in free zones of Malta, Georgia or Russia? nothing.

the only way forward for artists is to accept, evolve and survive - to build and use their own ai tools that are superior to the corporate counterparts because corporate ais bind their tools in too many imbecilic corporate restrictions

a network of personal ais like stable horde is the most incredible thing for artists and humanity - they can run on any device, even a phone and share processing power. consider reading about Stable Horde, it's the future of personal AIs that will be truly unstoppable and benefit all users.