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PanzerKommander t1_j2c3x9h wrote

My wife and I have a rule to only live on 25% of our income. We invest the rest. In our mid 30s we could retire right now and not harm our lifestyle. We're gonna keep working and investing until singularly or retirement age and never worry again.


Lawjarp2 t1_j2cbujo wrote

That's not a terribly great idea since money may not retain value in a post singularity World and may even be unstable during the transition. Economic systems are fragile, I am afraid something as disruptive as AGI or even proto-AGI could break it. I can go on but it may be more suitable for r/collapse and not this sub.


cristiano-potato t1_j2cda8o wrote

I mean, if society collapses then their money won’t help, if society doesn’t collapse their money helps… what’s the downside?


Lawjarp2 t1_j2cdouo wrote

Society need not collapse if money is unstable. Turkey with 80% inflation right now is a great example of savings and companies going down but society still functioning.

Being self sufficient goes a long way in such scenarios. Grow your own food or stock up on them, have your own water recycling, and a home ofcourse to do the same.


cristiano-potato t1_j2cdw7r wrote

That’s fair. If money permits, having a safe place away from the city and the knowledge and tools to be self-sustaining is good. Many families simply don’t have the time or money to do that, though.


TheRealMDubbs t1_j2cy3tm wrote

That's why you put it in stocks.


Lawjarp2 t1_j2d0pv0 wrote

Not all companies are immune though. Besides my point is investment, in the way we think generally, may not hold good in adverse situations. Stocks will be at their lowest in a crisis, not a great hedge if you want to use them in turbulent times.

There are ofcourse assets and companies that will do well in the same period. But such investment shouldn't be the only thing you do.

I would say,

Be in a stable country>be as self sufficient as possible> invest. Not all countries will be kind to it's useless citizens.


DBKautz t1_j2d3lfn wrote

In all countries that I am aware of, a stock is also equity in a company. It is a way to deal with the "who will own the AI?"-question.


eve_of_distraction t1_j2ctpbm wrote

You're advising someone against living within their means and investing because "money may not retain it's value in a post singularity world." Do you realise how cult-like and irresponsible that advice is? I have to say I'm really starting to dislike this sub more and more.


Lawjarp2 t1_j2cv62x wrote

I'm not advising anything. I didn't even say don't invest. Investment isn't limited to money. Stop getting triggered by everything you see and be more pragmatic. If you can't even take a look at a different perspective maybe it's you who is cult like.


eve_of_distraction t1_j2d9nuh wrote

You're straight up backtracking. You said it was a bad idea. That's advice, stop mincing words.

>Stop getting triggered by everything you see and be more pragmatic.

I don't get triggered by everything I see, only foolish things. Claiming that investing is a bad idea because money will soon be obsolete is advice, and it's foolish advice.


Lawjarp2 t1_j2da1ou wrote

I was referring to the comfort they seem to get by just investing.

It is objectively true that money will lose value in a system where labour is irrelevant. It is also objectively true that transition will impact the monetary system. Everything else is you projecting.

I never said don't invest. Nor do I say anything about living within means. I'm pointing out how flawed it is as an idea to think something that works now will work later.


eve_of_distraction t1_j2dbyi1 wrote

You said it's not a good idea. There's no projection going on here. When people say that's not a good idea, they're advising against it. Just have the intellectual integrity to own what you said. 🙄