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TheHamsterSandwich t1_j2cvvaj wrote

Y'know, I've never really understood these posts. If you don't believe that the Singularity is coming in your lifetime, why are you even here? It's like you look at all the evidence and just throw it out the window, saying "Well, it's just not going to happen because I believe it won't!"

It's like saying "I don't believe humans will ever go to the moon, so they won't."

If you're really having trouble understanding why people think the Singularity will occur by 2045, you should try reading "The Singularity Is Near" by Ray Kurzweil. He explicitly says why he believes this is going to happen. I'm not going to type it all out here, so you can just check it out for yourself.

Come back to this comment in 100 years, and laugh about how wrong I was if you really believe what you say.