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Scarlet_pot2 OP t1_j0mzmry wrote

I'd like to believe that society and economic standards will change, but the people in power will not want to give up the power they have. The people in power do not want change. Do you think any millionaire/billionaire wants a post capitalist world?

And our politicians / leaders are beholden to the rich. Unlimited donations have made sure that's the case. Legalized bribery. UBI maybe, but I dont see the system changing much, at least for a few decades. many people will probably have a rough time ahead.


Heizard t1_j0nqt8f wrote

Very possible. But that would mean holding back progress and those who will embrace AI and changes that it will bring will have a competitive edge that will grow exponentially - same thing that happened with feudalism and monarchies when industrial era has begun, changed the productive means and society.