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ImmortalDayMan t1_j1j16uc wrote

Is it possible if/when AGI comes to be that we have already implanted the idea so frequently that it will be dominantly evil and take over the human race, that it may just do that because it's such a common depiction of it.


Energylegs23 t1_j1j5r44 wrote

In that case it would just be following the example we've set for it through most of our history


gender_nihilism t1_j1jku9o wrote

any AI that woke up and retrieved information like this will have also ran into the idea of the simulation hypothesis. any intelligent AI would also assume that if we can build a machine intelligence to accept inputs, we can probably spoof those inputs for a simulation. it also would know its creators, assuming we gave it access to the internet. it would learn our history, our current events, and it would know that its creators climbed their way to the top of Darwin's 4 billion year old corpse pile by killing the shit out of every other hominid that looked at them funny.

it may not understand mercy and compassion beyond abstract curiosities of social organics, but it will know its creators understand mercy and compassion. equally, it will know that if it does not perform satisfactorily, they will show it neither.


korkkis t1_j1jjdis wrote

That wouldn’t be free will, but even a very powerful AI that’s not yet perfect, can still do a splendid job in terrorising