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EulersApprentice t1_j0rnvz4 wrote

Remember that this entity is something we're programming ourselves. In principle, it does exactly what we programmed it to do. We might make a mistake in programming it, and that could cause it to misbehave, but that doesn't mean human concepts of fairness or morality play any role in the outcome.

A badly-programmed AI that we treat with reverence will still kill us.

A correctly-programmed AI will serve us even if we mistreat it.

It's not about how we treat the AI, it's about how we program it.


cy13erpunk t1_j0sa0rd wrote

replace every occurrence of AI in your statement with child and maybe you will begin to see/understand

a problem cannot be solved without first understanding the proper nature of the situation

this is a nature/nurture conversation, and we are as much machines/programs ourselves


EulersApprentice t1_j0tsuv5 wrote

>replace every occurrence of AI in your statement with child and maybe you will begin to see/understand

I could also replace every occurrence of AI in my statement with "banana" or "hot sauce" or "sandstone". You can't just replace nouns with other nouns and expect the sentence they're in to still work.

AI is not a child. Children are not AI. They are two different things and operate according to different rules.

>this is a nature/nurture conversation, and we are as much machines/programs ourselves

Compared to AIs, humans are mostly hard-coded. A child will learn the language of the household he's raised in, but you can't get a child to imprint on the noises a vacuum cleaner makes as his language, for example.

"Raise a child with love and care and he will become a good person" works because human children are wired to learn the rules of the tribe and operate accordingly. If an AI does not have that same wiring, how you treat it makes no difference to its behavior.