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FranciscoJ1618 t1_j1oxdag wrote

Programming. It will be beautiful.

For a long time a lot of people irrationally promoted others to share their source code (imagine you are CocaCola and decide it's a good decision to share your secret recipe LOL). Well, their shared source code was used to train LLMs haha! Specifically Github copilot. What an intelligent idea!

And the promoters will be crucifixed soon when people realize the cult has always been in benefit of companies and now it will be worse. I read somewhere that they are trying to prevent using AI tools to generate code but they have already dug their own grave.

I can't wait for this!


Awkward-Skill-6029 t1_j1oxlpq wrote

You know that openai can write the simplest neural networks. Imagine when it writes code for itself 💀💀💀


Cr4zko t1_j1ozz46 wrote

Free software isn't a cult. Have a heart here.


FranciscoJ1618 t1_j1p08mv wrote

Yes it is. And always made devs act against their own interests following the directions of the messiah Stallman. Now that devs become obsolete it will be amazing to see him getting exposed.


Cr4zko t1_j1p14c5 wrote

We literally got Linux out of this deal. And thousands of DOOM source ports. Dunno what else frankly since I never dabbled with GPL projects and I don't pay attention to licenses but I think free software made things somewhat better.


FranciscoJ1618 t1_j1p2g8m wrote

Yes, better for corporations that didn't have to pay for windows because the slaves of the cult were working for free for them writing linux haha! At the same time it wasn't profitable to make another new OS because there was a completely free alternative. So, any other project was dead. Amazing!


Cr4zko t1_j1p3t6u wrote

Uh... I'm pretty sure corporations invest billions into Linux every year.


SurroundSwimming3494 t1_j1p459r wrote

>I can't wait for this!

I'm very puzzled by this desire of yours, to say the least.


FranciscoJ1618 t1_j1pal4l wrote

I'm a programmer but hate the cults related to it. Now these cults will make programming die.


Gaudrix t1_j1p4dlb wrote

Mighty strong hate boner you have for programmers.


FranciscoJ1618 t1_j1pai1q wrote

I'm a programmer, just hate the cults that promoted self destructive behaviours.


FilthyCommieAccount t1_j1p157c wrote

Idk man, if programmers start losing jobs I don't think there will be nearly the same sentiment. Programmers/software devs have a history and culture of embracing new technologies because for many of them change is constant. If they get displaced there will be whining for sure but I don't think the majority of them will start trying to smash the looms like artists have. Artists also have a long history of being regressive when it comes to technology. Which is funny because artists are usually considered progressive and open to change. The truth it quite the opposite. They've fought pretty much every single technology innovation in their field. We'll see in the coming years though. Devs are definitely going to start getting displaced by bots in the next few years.


FranciscoJ1618 t1_j1p2y8n wrote

I read somewhere that Stallman is sueing GitHub because of Copilot. Correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe devs do something regardless of a different sentiment, but with less cringe and temper in comparison to artists. I agree with your general view on artists and programmers.

PS: It really backfired to share source code lol.


CubeFlipper t1_j1p4l6z wrote

>It really backfired to share source code lol.

Backfired from whose perspective? Not most devs, you've just agreed to that. Most devs welcome this. If not them, then who else could it backfire for?


FranciscoJ1618 t1_j1paf47 wrote

I'm not sure devs will welcome this when github copilot becomes github autopilot. No more devs! It will be fantastic to see it.


FilthyCommieAccount t1_j1qisag wrote

I mean they obviously won't be happy about being out of a job I just don't think we'll see the overwhelming reaction we're seeing from artist's right now. There's not going to be a "programming is a fundamentally human activity! We need quotas!" type of reaction.