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ElvinRath t1_j26nxcs wrote

Not yet.

UBI will be needed when most of human work is unnecesary. It might be implemented even before that... But for now it's not posible and a bad idea.

I don't know exactly the point that will make it possible but we are far from it, in terms of humans needed to work.

Things might be different in 5-10 years. Will probably be different in less than 20...


But as long as we need humans to work, UBI (At least a real one, enought for a decent living) is not a posibility.


I mean, it's pretty clear. Would you keep working if you didn't need the money? I wouldn't.

So first I have to become unnecesary, AI & robots have to take my job, and most jobs (So that I'm not needed elsewhere). Only after that UBI becomes something that we can consider seriously.


hugosebas t1_j27qrrj wrote

When i hear that argument i just picture millions of taxi and truck drivers blocking the roads all around the world in protests against self driving technology. Just 5% of all jobs would already be a complete shit show.