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t1_izl0wcs wrote

Reply to comment by in Progress of AI art. by

It’s progressing exponentially so next year very well might be in 3 months


t1_izm0mrk wrote

Yeah this stuff is absolutely exploding right now as we know and is about to go supernova. It will definitely be the story of 2023, and might even pull it out in time to become the story of 2022 even though ChatGPT just came out. The next few weeks are about to get seriously weird.


t1_izm4x2z wrote

I'm new to this. What is expected in 2023?


t1_izm99x8 wrote

Better, faster, stronger.

The next version of ChatGPT will be off the charts. The AI art world is about to explode and the tech will get better. Imagine a version of Photoshop where you just speak into a microphone what you want, and the AI does it for you. Your parents or your grandma might not be aware of this stuff, but they will be very soon because it will be impossible to ignore.

This shit is about to completely turn the world upside down in the next year, for better or for worse. It likely won't all be good, but it will definitely be very, very interesting.

This will sound like hyperbole but I believe it's on the disruption level of the harnessing of electricity, or the inventions of the automobile, and the Internet itself. I also think the speed of the changes it brings about will dwarf any of those other three.


t1_izn6ao7 wrote

>This shit is about to completely turn the world upside down in the next year

I've been seeing comments like this on this sub way too much recently.

Change does not happen this quickly. We're not just suddenly going to go from a "normal" year in 2022 to a "crazy" year in 2023, life and society and dare I say technological progress don't work that way. I'm sure a lot of people thought that way back in 2020 when GPT3 was announced, but 2 and a half years it still really hasn't affected the world all too much, and ChatGPT is not that giant of an improvement over GPT3, in my opinion.

In any case, nobody should be rooting for your prediction to come true because that much change in the span of one year is way too much too handle for society.


t1_j1ftl2g wrote

I know im 2 weeks late, but you are right and you aren't at the same time. In history there always was a tipping point. Stuff advanced silently for months, years, decades, and suddenly its here and its making waves. From the industrial revolution to the internet and now to ai. 2023 might or might not be the tipping point for ai, but it will eventually happen.


t1_j1ggg42 wrote

You say this as if the world of 1995 was anything like the world of 2005, or 2005-2015, or 2015-now. Shit moves VERY FAST when technology gets involved. It’s absolutely going to get very strange, very quickly, and I for one can’t wait.


t1_izn0fit wrote

If I don't need to use some retarded microphone in 2024 I'll wait the 2023 out to fix that bug in text prompts.


t1_izo5j9v wrote

Kurzweil was right!


t1_iztqxxb wrote

Honestly, his "AGI 2045" is starting to look like a conservative estimate


t1_izu4w48 wrote

The singularity started 100 years ago. It's incrediby fast, seen from the perspective of nature, but to us presently alive, it has taken time.

In a way, it seems like a life form is developing through us humans. If you don't know what a human is, you simplys see a chemical process turning matter into a giant, global network of power distribution and communication, with several layers of transmission. Brain to brain through voice, written word (letters), wire, radio, cables, fiber, laser, in the ground, on the ground in the air, and in space. Then grows the internet forth. The consciousness of the experience of reality transmitting emotions and ideas instantly in all different forms. This text being a blip of it. The sum of it all genereates data for neural networks that special machines are now able to set up virtually.

The story just can't stop there and we all know it.

By talking to each other and to awakening AIs, we are feeding a creature in utero facilitating the painful birth of earth's newest baby. A new species that will allow the planet to spread its consciousness to the rest of the galaxy.

Shit, I'm tripping! My fever just fcrossed 40 dgrees celsius here. This year's flu is the WORST!