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t1_j1ym3x0 wrote

With the caveat that this question is insane, In a post-work, post-scarcity world, they are ALL the best city.


OP t1_j1ymhhq wrote

Yes, but let's say a person does not like the climate. Can he just take and get a new apartment?


t1_j1yp3ni wrote

There would likely be a bureau for transferring living quarters, yes.


t1_j1ypu31 wrote

I'll bet you 500 credits that the official in charge of the bureau has the best view.


t1_j1yso7u wrote

AIs don't worry about views. Also, views and climate don't matter much when we all spend our days living in Fully Immersive VR.


t1_j1ykncn wrote

You're making a ton of assumptions here. Firstly if ALL work is done by robots, the world is a different planet. we are beyond post scarcity therefore money will likely no longer exist and so no UBI. We have also probably solved energy so moving around is probably pretty easy. I would imagine the only solution to what you say is to have any highly sought after property, owned by a community collective, and allow people to stay for only a few days at a time. I personally don't see it happening like this, I believe we will be spending more time in vr so actual location of our physical bodies will not matter.

Honestly this question is a bit like, "if the best food is free forever, for everyone, who gets the best cutlery?"


t1_j1yvlg2 wrote

> allow people to stay for only a few days at a time

I doubt that political system will evolve that quick. Privately owned property is here to stay alongside with state/community-owned property that you have to wait in queue to live in. So, connections to old money will still be important if you want to, say, enjoy beach side stay this year and not next century.


t1_j1yyzc4 wrote

I also see it as unlikely anytime soon, but having AI doing ALL jobs, you will have civil war if we are forced to hold onto the concept of wealth in that world. Having inequality in our current system is mildly tolerated because in theory it's possible to work hard and earn your own wealth, if AI are doing all jobs, that's not possible so any inequality would not be tolerable.

That's what I'm saying, it's easy to throw words around like "AI doing ALL jobs" but I don't think people truly understand how different that world is.


t1_j1yzeub wrote

AIs will not be doing political governance though, but quenching inequality outrage would be an interesting task for them to solve.

Of course, I don't know for certain, but I highly confident in inertia of human society. Political activity, when you have no other meaningful things to do (if you aren't into VR), could be a driving force of societal change, but it would be opposed by existing political structures.

All in all, I see the future of Earth as a kind of ancestral museum with baseline humans doing their thing.


t1_j1z4jtn wrote

>AIs will not be doing political governance though

If there's ever a job I feel humans are completely ill equipped to handle, it's political governance. In a world where humans are constantly being replaced by smarter AI and the people in charge are doing little to safeguard them, how long do you think it will be before an AI gets voted into office who will do something about it?

As I said, "ALL jobs" is a different planet.


t1_j1z8d16 wrote

Who will allow voting on an amendment that will make it possible for AIs to actively participate in government?

> As I said, "ALL jobs" is a different planet.

Yeah, and that planet may not lie in our future.

Anyway, I think that the future of Earth (if human race is to survive) will be, in essence, a lush ancestral museum of humans doing their thing (culture, politics, art, fashion, philosophy, science), while limiting AIs to supporting/protective roles, while posthumans will do frontier exploration. Not everyone will be OK with brainwashing themselves into believing that VR is real, and AIs can't provide you with genuine exploration thrill if you are on Earth due to light speed limitations.


t1_j1zaf3i wrote

>Who will allow voting on an amendment that will make it possible for AIs to actively participate in government

Anyone who sees the benefits outweighing the costs. Ultimately someone will try it and if the ability to solve human problems is an intelligence requirement, why would anyone ignore an AI simply because it's not human.

>Yeah, and that planet may not lie in our future.

But that is what op is asking for...

Your idea of earth being a "lush ancestral museum" is very noble and beautiful, but what makes you think it will happen like that?


t1_j1zdhax wrote

> what makes you think it will happen like that?

Cautiously optimistic elitism. AIs most likely will be controlled, or guided, or designed to desire, or whatever not by the rich, politicians, or the people, but by engineers, scientists, and philosophers, who wouldn't be willing to recklessly change the course of humanity, but will give us time to think and decide. And it could be a very long time.


t1_j1ywnxi wrote

I'm thinking a 5-10 year lottery. For a top ranking or something like that. Your ability to live somewhere expires every so often then its random chance whether you get where you get exactly what you want. You rank your choices, so if someone above you ranks the place higher, you still have options. Desirable places in desirable locations get snapped up by the lucky ones at the top of the lottery. I can't think of any other way to deal with it in a post work economy