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diener1 OP t1_j1o740q wrote

>This joke is funny because it plays with expectations. The setup of the joke establishes a situation where people from different faiths (a Christian, an atheist, and a Muslim) are coming together and enjoying a drink in harmony, which is unexpected and somewhat surprising. The punchline then takes this unexpected situation and adds another layer of surprise by highlighting the unexpected commonality between the three people (their love of beer).
>The joke also relies on wordplay, with the phrase "what a cold beer can do" being used in two different ways: first, in the literal sense of what a cold beer can do (quench thirst and refresh), and second, in the figurative sense of what a cold beer can do (bring people together and create harmony).
>Overall, this joke is funny because it relies on a combination of unexpected twists, wordplay, and the use of common cultural references (such as the idea of people from different faiths enjoying a drink together) to create a humorous effect.


ljyljl5555 t1_j1o9i1j wrote

>by highlighting the unexpected commonality between the three people (their love of beer).

Thank you OP!

1st paragraph: "highlighting the unexpected commonality" AI doesn't know that Muslims don't drink.

2nd paragraph: "what a cold beer can do" -> That's not wordplay.

3rd paragraph: Just a summary.


Fat_Turd t1_j1pidgx wrote

The singularity moves farther away day by day to my dismay.


kledaras t1_j1q25pm wrote

You'll get it in the not-so-distant future. It's like the Aristocrats of the 2050s.


Saerain t1_j1pbwae wrote

Fine-tuned gish gallop right there.


UsaInfation t1_j1p87kq wrote

This is like "logically explaining a female that she should be with you".

How well did that work out?


wargainWAG t1_j1pp8vr wrote

Everything is funny if you look hard enough. I would not book a show for this bot


pcbeard t1_j1r67ng wrote

Now ask it why nobody finds it actually funny.