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federykx t1_j0edsbi wrote

As for hardware, the timeline seems way more stretched. The closest thing we have is indeed VR, but for realistic VR we need the tech to be good in both the software, the window by which you see the world (screen), and the hardware must be powerful enough.

The software is there, just look at how good Unreal engine 5 is. The hardware isn't there yet but will probably be in 5 gens or so. But the screen is way more behind, for truly good VR you're looking at 8k resolution per eye *at least* AND either OLED or MicroLED for perfect blacks, both technologies which have still a long way to go. Workable screens might need much more than 10 years to arrive.

And lastly, haptic tech can only do so much. The best we have today is auto strokers and force feedback gloves but that can only carry the illusion for so long. Who knows if we'll ever be able to invent something that actually feels like a real thing. It may take decades.

Sexbots suffer from our robotics tech being limited. The only robot which moves with any semblance of fluidity is Atlas but it's clearly intended for military purposes and its expensive af, and loud af. To get a robot that moves like a human and doesn't sound like a textile factory it will take decades.

As for Neuralink, exposing yourself to literal infections to the brain in order to coom will never not be a dumb idea for me, no matter the fact that it may potentially take a needle for every neuron to produce a satisfactory result and that it's decades away anyway.