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drsimonz t1_j0ehimp wrote

lol all these replies imagining better video game AI or or sex bots... bruh. If humans survive the singularity, it will probably involve transferring our biological intelligence onto some kind of synthetic substrate. That kind of technology require massive improvements to our understanding of neuroscience. So if you are open to changing, we may literally be able to "fix" the aspects of your biochemistry preventing you from easily connecting to other people. In a scenario where people are free to modify their own personalities (in a controlled fashion), it's hard to say if individual identity will continue to have any meaning. Borrowing an idea from Alan Watts, we might even find that life is more interesting and worthwhile when we are encumbered with various character flaws, and actually opt out of such improvement technologies. Given enough time in cyber-utopia, it's quite possible we will eventually choose to experience various forms of suffering such as loneliness.

To get even more crazy, I believe there's a fair chance that we've already had the singularity, then chosen to go back and live through this traumatic (but undeniably very interesting) pre-singularity time period.