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SharpCartographer831 t1_izplydm wrote

Capitalism is a necessary evil. It will survive but the Human Labour component won't.

We should seek to free people from having to work as soon as possible.


numberbruncher t1_izpprbz wrote

Capitalism has pros and cons, but it's the best system we have for now. But it will certainly not be the best system in the post-scarcity society possible after the singularity.


fingin t1_izqfcua wrote

Sorry what proof do you have it's the best system right now? Can you give me an example of a successful capitalist country? Even the US can hardly be said to be a "capitalist" country (see government subsidies, federal bank, social security, medicade). And last I checked, the US doesn't have such a great system, if wealth inequality, health and violent crime rates are important to you. Even if you do think the US has the best-system, that conventiently ignores the likes of other "capitalist" (capitalist-leaning) countries like Brazil.

So again, what capitalist country has a succesful system? Or are you just confusing the theory of capitalism with other concepts like a market economy?


Swimming_Gain_4989 t1_izpyvfp wrote

You don't even need to be post scarcity for capitalism to break down, just post competition. When an organization is beyond competition it becomes a monopoly and begins draining productivity through inflated prices.

The owners of the hardware will have complete control over whatever industries they decide to pursue.


ChurchOfTheHolyGays t1_izq4p2b wrote

Capitalism is so competitive you can literally begin a startup today and seriously compete with google in a couple years \s


Fun_Prize_1256 t1_izposuj wrote

>It will survive but the Human Labour component won't.

If AGI and robotics do succeed one day, probably most of it won't. But in my opinion, that day is helluva long ways off still. I find it kinda interesting how this sub has already written off human labor when upon closer inspection, you'll realize for several reasons how far from the truth that is (again, my opinion).

But this I do agree with you on: NOBODY should have to work just to get by in an ideal world. A minimal UBI should already exist in rich societies just for that reason alone.


Sieventer OP t1_izpmh27 wrote

I agree. Sure, capitalism can be painful, but the process of automation will bring about metaformosis by inertia towards complete freedom. It should not be forced before its time.
If capitalism has brought us to this point, let it continue to flow. It is important to emphasize that the most cutting-edge AI technologies have occurred in capitalist countries, not socialist ones. Socialist politicians have had no incentive to create that technology, the market has.
So wait a little! 9 to 5 will end. But as you said, with the necessary evil.


timshel42 t1_izpp283 wrote

its almost as if capitalists have spent the last several centuries actively trying to sabotage and undercut socialist countries...


ChurchOfTheHolyGays t1_izq523z wrote

Why are you so against voting for who your managers and executives are in the company you work for, instead of having that be privilege of shareholders who never worked a day in the company?

Why do you think democracy at work is so unacceptable?