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a4mula t1_j1xyrtm wrote

That would be news to me. Most Silicon Valley Bros aren't exactly MAGA types, especially researchers. I'm sure as the pay scale increases so does the progression towards the tax benefits that are typically associated with the beliefs.


a4mula t1_j1y33w9 wrote

Does it matter how you label it? The fact remains that most educated young people that aren't concerned about capital gains; are going to be liberal. That's the nature of being young and idealistic. That's the nature of being educated in systems that are based in progressive doctrine.

Why do you think MAGA states are fighting so fiercely to indoctrinate how they see fit?

Most research is done by young, educated people that need not worry about capital gains.

Label it how you'd like.


Goldisap t1_j1y3jpj wrote

Examples examples examples


Calm_Bonus_6464 t1_j1y6kdc wrote

In Europe, definitely since European politics tends to lean further left (on economic issues that is). There's just a language barrier since they're often not tweeting in English. In America id say the average AI researcher would be a liberal


a4mula t1_j1y6o0u wrote

Anarchists tend to fall under Libertarianism. It's a centrist belief. Just a heads up.

Otherwise, economic considerations such as communism and socialism? They're not inherently tied to social political values. There are plenty of progressives, liberals, lefties, Pinkos, Reds, or whatever you'd like to call them. that understand Capitalism is of tremendous benefit.

I happen to be one certainly, though I'd never define myself as any of the above.


Calm_Bonus_6464 t1_j1y8x81 wrote

Here's a few for Germany. But you can just pretty much translate "leading AI researchers" into major European languages like Dutch, German, French etc and search and you'll get a bunch of results from different countries across Europe. You'll just need to use a translator if you only speak English, but its of course good to get the European perspective as well.