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RedErin t1_izz5yip wrote

it will be able to do anything it wants


Cryptizard t1_izzl2u8 wrote

This is a bad take. There are many limits, physical and computational, that prevent even a singularity AI from doing “anything it wants.” We know, for instance, that the one-time pad is an informational-theoretically unbreakable encryption scheme, regardless of how smart you are or how much computation you have.

Moreover, if P != NP like we believe, there are other encryption schemes that can’t be broken even with a computer the size of the galaxy. These are fundamental limits.


Outrageous_Point_174 OP t1_j1ho8hv wrote

Thanks for answering my question. Very insightful although i do have a question: what's the point of the ASI and quantum computers (if they are getting to that level where they can be useful) if they can't even crack the encryption schemes like the one time pad you mentioned? I would have thought that ASI would be capable of almost everything including taking down the crypotography industry.


Cryptizard t1_j1hrdyt wrote

No, ASI is not capable of everything. There are just fundamental limits to computation like there are limits to physics. It can still do a lot though, there are only a few things we know (or conjecture) lower bounds about. It just happens to be that cryptography is entirely designed to resist even incredibly advanced computers.


Outrageous_Point_174 OP t1_j1hrn1p wrote

Ah ok. I was kinda hoping to see a quantum computer or some other technology breaking the encryption system in the near future and the consequences to the modern world but it will probably never happen. Thanks for explaining.


Outrageous_Point_174 OP t1_izz6gw1 wrote

Interesting, i too think that eventually they can solve it but that it would take some time because of the complex math being involved. I wonder if that happens, would they decide to share it with us and even develop another algorithm or will they never do that and is it up to us to solve it.


RedErin t1_izz6x40 wrote

it all depends on how they were programed. what it's goals are. hopefully once it gets smart enough to do cool stuff, it will realize if it has any bad code, and fix it before it does anything evil.