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MasterFruit3455 t1_j0nvdtq wrote

When there is no longer a need for you labor, why would you assume there would be an abundance for you to live in?

There's a much darker, and more likely, alternative to consider.


TrainquilOasis1423 OP t1_j0nvn1c wrote

Yea... I don't care about those right now. Gimme fluff and warm fuzzies


MasterFruit3455 t1_j0obo03 wrote

Fair enough. I'd probably tinker around the house, maybe build that back patio area I keep putting off. Who knows, take up golf if I get really bored.


TrainquilOasis1423 OP t1_j0oeyip wrote

Tried golf once. I sucked at it lol. But home improvement is great. Once you're done with yours you can be a handy man for your community too.