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blxoom t1_j04ay65 wrote

it cancels out the amount of pessimism on r/technology and r/futurology


ChronoPsyche t1_j04b8v2 wrote

That's not how it works lol. It just makes more echo chambers.


Thatingles t1_j04dl0v wrote

They are an inevitable part of self-moderated social media. It's a function of the system. With unlimited content to devour, how many are willing to work through arguments that make them uncomfortable or angry? All to easy to click off that and go back to the comfort of something which affirms your existing worldview.

No, I don't have a solution for that and yes I suspect it is a very bad thing the consequences of which we are just starting to work through. Chatbots will definitely enhance the effect as will any form of proto or full AGI (computer, create me a documentary explaining why I'm right about everything!).