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George_E_Hale t1_j08srbc wrote

Venting frustration, I expect, coupled with the awareness that I might be wrong.


SnipingNinja t1_j0a4vpz wrote

So it's not entitlement but rather the logical conclusion of work getting automated in its entirety. It's frustration over the system which will lead you to not having work but requiring you to pay for the basic necessities.

Also it's not that people don't enjoy working but as you'll see mentioned elsewhere in this thread mental health is not given enough attention and made worse by the current system giving rise to the phenomena we call hikikimori and so it appears as if people don't want to work but if you talk to most people suffering through these issues without talking down to them you'll find out they most likely are feeling lost and don't have the right environment to lead them back into a good lifestyle where they can pursue creation of value (we can talk about the political issues related to capital here but that's an entirely separate discussion)


George_E_Hale t1_j0aebyf wrote

I think what you're describing is a pipe dream, actually, and if it ever did happen we would be that mych closer to a WALL-E dystopia.


SnipingNinja t1_j0aljb2 wrote

That's based on the belief that people are inherently lazy which only people with privilege think because as I described it's a mental health issue and no one really enjoys sitting on their ass or not being social