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t1_j5h12ng wrote

Well, my wife and I have been investing our entire lives and have enough to go FIRE I'm our mid 30s with a better yearly payout than the average worker our age.

That being said, do you honestly think that there won't be some sort of UBI when we hit that point? Do you seriously think we won't have a post scarcity society when we have the entire solar systems worth of natural resources and the AI and robots to get it?

I swear listening to the doom and gloom on this sub makes me wonder why a large percentage of its user base hasn't offed themselves yet.


t1_j5hp001 wrote

I know those AI and robots will belong to someone. Do you think they will be any different than you. Do you have any plans to share your some of your investments with the lest fortunate. Why would you expect the companies that are investing billions to develop AI and robots will give you free stuff.

Try not to be too disappointed if reality chose not to conform itself to your wildest dreams.