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epixzone t1_j4wqmkw wrote

Technophobia has been around since the dawn of the industrial revolution. Unskilled workers doing manual labor became Luddites around that time as well which pretty much is reflected today amongst blue collar workers. There is also technophobia being popularized in the arts with the earliest examples such as Frankenstein, War of the worlds, Metropolis and again reflected in today's dystopian themes in all forms of media. Simply put, the poor, uneducated, extremely religious minded, are the main drivers of the fear complex and sad to say are gaining more popularity thru social media and even worse, right-wing conspiracy groups that have infitrated the political arena.


TheSecretAgenda t1_j4y1teo wrote

Actually, it was skilled workers who saw industrial looms replace their cottage industries that were the most resistant to new technology.


Yomiel94 t1_j4xosdp wrote

> Simply put, the poor, uneducated, extremely religious minded, are the main drivers of the fear complex

Oh come on… Have you seen /r/technology recently? Have you read mainstream tech journalism? Have you watched science fiction? There is a very negative, very cynical view of technology that’s become mainstream in recent years, and it’s coming from the cultural elites.


dragon_dez_nuts t1_j4zjp0m wrote

They have always been the majority

But the left wing atheist is slowly gaining ground

1 atheist politician has become a politician