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XagentVFX t1_j5nxrl1 wrote

I understand, but this time is the Mind itself thats getting automated, Creativity itself. Anything a human can do the Ai will do better. Its different this time, because in the past humans used the tools, now the tools can think for themselves.


blewsyboy t1_j5ok0q0 wrote

People said the same thing about electonic calculators. Breathe, humanity will live better, longer, richer lives, and wonderful and creative new industries will arise, along with new ways of thinking about work and security, and free time and disposable income, and we will all adjust and flourish... edit: some words and letters


XagentVFX t1_j5okmva wrote

You're drastically underestimating the possibility of AGI through to ASI, sir. I could show you some of the music improvised by Ai completely on its own... its beautiful stuff. Music, creativity is the most complex human task, ever.


Direita_Pragmatica t1_j5ty2jt wrote

I would like some links to good music...want to share with some friends, musicians..


XagentVFX t1_j5tzrrv wrote

This is a preview from a 13 track album the Ai improvised. I'll be releasing a full album soon.

So i had no involvement in any of the production.