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ecnecn t1_j5grari wrote

I know some people in a western EU country that train Davinci in order to reduce most of the personel in their legal department of their company and to eliminate contracts with big law firms. Mainly trained on employment law, financial law and EU regulations. The layoff / contract cancel will be between 2023/24. Its a big bank. Saved money from this is gigantic - especially from the big law firms that asked for exorbitant hourly wages in the past. From time to time this bank just offered law firm consultants better contracts because hiring certain people was cheaper than paying the law firms in question. Right now they want to get rid of them through AI. Things move faster behind the curtain than people see... Some of the big names in law business will vanish or massively reduce personel in the next years.


Circ-Le-Jerk t1_j5h56zc wrote

I know a company who's currently training and tuning a model from their sales call center. They are transcribing all their sales calls and rating their quality, then using these to fine tune the model. In return, sales people will have dynamic scripts that are optimized based on 10s of thousands of successful sales calls, to know exactly what to say.


BigShoots t1_j5hpa62 wrote

>sales people will have dynamic scripts that are optimized based on 10s of thousands of successful sales calls, to know exactly what to say.

That's nice, but it also means that none of those jobs will exist within two years.


visarga t1_j5gwe6f wrote

> Some of the big names in law business will vanish or massively reduce personel in the next years.

So there are two choices here

  1. use AI to reduce costs, assuming AI are perfect
  2. use AI to increase profits, assuming realistic AIs

You think 1 is more probable. I think people are still necessary to maximise profits. AI works better with people around.


ecnecn t1_j5gxbsv wrote

There will be a core team of their best lawyers (honors exam lawyers) but the law firms & their consulting contracts will get a direct hit - so some employees of the law department. As of now purpose-trained Davinci reaches an accuracy about 75% the costly consultants had an accuracy about 80% (they actually measured it) ... 5% less accuracy (GPT 3.5) but much less cost. If GPT 4.0 is just a bit better it will change workspace forever. You are right it works better with people but you just need the elite of each department. This bank has like core team of 5 high paid syndicus lawyers and 30 contract lawyers from law firms. They will reduce their core team to 3 and cut the contract. Now interpolate this step to every bank in EU...