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DesperateProblem7418 t1_j6n6ecq wrote

Maybe your generation, but the reality is that people born after 2000's are extremely lonely and already somewhat out of touch with reality due to extreme internet addiction. Even now you could argue that people aren't interacting with each other as much as they did 10 years ago since everyone is so atomized and living in their own online bubbles. I have no reason to believe that the current trend is going to reverse anytime soon.

Wasn't there a study suggesting that the average teenager/young adult spends 6-8 hours per day on their phone (and that's only phone without counting in the computer and other gadgets)? I think there was another study that also suggested that every third interviewed person in the US doesn't have a real friend. Humanlike AI will be able to fix all of that, further reducing reasons to go outside and meet friends/partners.


CrispinMK t1_j6n8m51 wrote

I want to agree with u/Iffykindofguy but I think the generational distinction is important. Like, sure, people aren't going to stop going out for drinks with their friends just because there is an AI option all of a sudden. But for future generations who haven't established those social/community bonds? It doesn't seem so far-fetched. Still, that sort of cultural shift won't happen nearly as fast as people are predicting.


Iffykindofguy t1_j6ng711 wrote

Social activity starts with your parents so unless those babies grow up in isolation, which is possible, they will always seek interaction. Not to mention digital interaction IS interaction. Some of my longest friends are people Ive ve met online.


Iffykindofguy t1_j6ngajl wrote

This could be the least scientific most absurd post Ive seen this morning, great job. Youre just spewing a bunch of nonsense generalizations about young people you saw on fox news.