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SpecialMembership t1_j6mko11 wrote

Historically engineer's and scientists are very bad at predicting future. I am 100 percent sure we have agi by 2027 to 2029(a thinking machine) not narrow ai that replaces app gui.


nillouise t1_j6mqcgc wrote

Historically, are your predictions good?


SpecialMembership t1_j6mvypl wrote

Bought amd stock after ryzen announcement thinking it'll 5x in 5 years but it increased 10x . Now after seeing chat gpt and reading research works in machine learning I am sure human level agi achievable In 2027 to 2029.


s2ksuch t1_j6nidz8 wrote

I remember when AMD stock as like $1 thinking they were done when they had their bulldozer processors sucking wind to intel. Then Ryzen came out and the stock went on a roar