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Ziggote t1_j2v04c9 wrote

I love that the 1st item on the list in micro dosing mushrooms!


JackFisherBooks t1_j2waq56 wrote

Me too! It's oddly comforting that some of the weird friends I had in college were somewhat vindicated. 😊


numberbruncher t1_j2wj9s6 wrote

Vindicated? This just imitates text it's found, it's not a calculated prescription...


theredwillow t1_j2xg4du wrote

I'm imagining the chat bot found his college friends' website lol


EscapeVelocity83 t1_j2wfwlh wrote

I'm more about them being understood as wrong and inadequate than me understood as right and adequate. The imbicillary our species propagates as groups is absolutely embarrassing.