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goldork t1_j2vg2by wrote

I looked up how did the AI passed medical exam and instead found a paper highlighting the AI potentials to assist teaching medicine instead. Quite recently published and not peer reviewed yet so read with a pinch of salts.

The author was quite impressed it seem (since its untrained yet). The AI comfortably passed the USMLE, USA medical exams (mirroring human, bad marks at subjects many students failed) It is moderately accurate and high concordance. Author suggests that accuracy can be improve by training the AI with datas like e.g. UptoDate or any qualified sources.

Not only the AI showing potential to teach medicine, providing new insight upto 88% in the answers, author suggests the AI will be used to even generate new medical exams questions in the future.

The paper mentioned how on online lung clinic experimented using the AI. Sensitive datas were redacted. It reduced clinicians workload by 33%. It helped to write letters, ELI5 to patients 'jargon-filled radiology reports' and giving suggestions to difficult diagnosis.

Read it few days ago so i might misremembered the infos. I agree tho that it isnt qualified nor should you accept its medical consultation yet. However, it has high potential, perhaps the medical boards will train and test the AI.


Lawjarp2 t1_j2vuj73 wrote

Accuracy, reliability and some real common sense are essential to do any job properly. Wouldn't want a doctor who learnt from chatGPT (as it is now) to practice. Maybe GPT-4 will be better


goldork t1_j2vw6rv wrote

Theres written exams and then practical exams. Afterwards a year of internships before you can get your license. To attend exams, 75% minimal attendance required consisting of various labs & postings that'll expose students with hands-on experiences with patients.

I don't see the issues with learning the theory part with chatgpt in the future. I can see it become boards certified one day, at least as an assisting tool.