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imnos t1_j6ir4bq wrote

You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?


redeggplant01 t1_j6irysc wrote

Your inability to prove your point unlike my posts shows you to be ignorant


imnos t1_j6it534 wrote

You didn't prove your point. You proved you don't know the difference between open source software and managed services that are charged for.


redeggplant01 t1_j6iv3z1 wrote

The sources I linked disprove your lie


imnos t1_j6ivet1 wrote

No, they don't. Try harder, lib.


HumanSeeing t1_j6k579x wrote

Hey, here for real. This is exactly the kind of situation where it is helpful to remember that there is no point of arguing with stupid people. Because they bring your down to their level of stupid and beat you with experience.