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Zermelane t1_j6cqvb1 wrote

No overall disagreement, but a couple of points that I thought were worth sharpening.

> I'm not going to lie, I didn't expect this. Even 6 months ago, I was of the mind that once I had a magic media machine, I would eschew all human-created media and leave that to the hipsters. But now I'm increasingly feeling like this fear that all human-created art is dying is a very, very premature call.

Consider the possibility that you were previously seeing the situation from afar, and thinking about the long term, but now that you're seeing it from up close, it's harder to emotionally see past the limitations of current technology.

We don't make people dig ditches without excavators not just because it's economically inefficient, but because making people do work that could very cheaply and easily be automated is not compatible with human dignity: The idea of paying artists when you have that magic media machine should feel the same. Maybe it just doesn't right now because where it used to seem like an abstraction but a possible one, now it seems like a reality but an unachievably distant one.

> I've noticed on DeviantArt and ArtStation, 90% to 95% of people using AI-generation tools are actually kind enough to mark their creations as AI-generated. The fear that sinister and lazy techbros will pretend they themselves created Midjourney and DALL-E 2 generations to trick consumers and rob from hard-working artists is just that: a relatively unfounded fear.

The stakes are very low there. We weren't really worried about people freely uploading stuff to DeviantArt being cheated out of anything, as they weren't being paid in the first place. The place you should be looking is how concept artists, visual designers, commissioned artists etc. are doing.