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OldWorldRevival t1_j5157zo wrote

I'm saying that such a drive is unwise to pursue at the expense of other things.

How long before one tires of the fake thing and seeks put the real thing?


ronton t1_j51ekcu wrote

For some people, myself included, whether something is “real” or “fake” is more or less irrelevant.

We can’t even know if our world is “real” so why should we eschew virtual wonders out of loyalty to this reality?


StarChild413 t1_j54std6 wrote

For the same reason it'd be a really boring sims playthrough if all you made them do in their free time was play The Sims on their own computers


rixtil41 t1_j517xhe wrote

I'm not sure how long but if they ever do that does not make the drive bad. The drive of pursuing things at the expense of others is wise in this world not all imagery ones.


OldWorldRevival t1_j51b6i7 wrote

I think you underestimate hiw deeply I've dived into the system you describe, taking it farther than you...

In a nihilistic system, power is the ultimate actualization. A simulation will not be enough. Dominating other beings is what comes after that.