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Desperate_Food7354 t1_j57bhyh wrote


AGI_69 t1_j57fyp6 wrote

I don't see how solipsism is relevant in any way here. It's completely unrelated philosophical issue


Desperate_Food7354 t1_j57h2kv wrote

If simulation theory were to exist what is to say you wouldn't be the only one inside of it, and why would you even be simulated into this era where technology is limited, are the homeless drug addicted people in a simulation or just simulations for your own personal world view in which you diagnose as a simulation to fit to your own model of how you want the universe to be? It makes no sense for this world / time period to be simulated.


AGI_69 t1_j57v0yz wrote

Quite the opposite, the era just before AI is invented is perfect for simulation. It's the most interesting era in human history. Once AI is invented, humans will not be the ones doing all the progress, they will just watch AI do everything better.

As to, who is simulated and who isn't, that's separate issue. Personally, I chose to treat everyone as equal to me. But I disagree, that just because homeless people exists, the simulation hypothesis is false.


Desperate_Food7354 t1_j58zbn4 wrote

Not that it is false but would imply real suffering and tragedy, who would choose to simulate themselves in this era as a suffering person who knows nothing of ai lmao or terminal brain cancer etc