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GlobusGlobus t1_j51htnr wrote

This is much, much more bullish than anyone I have ever heard being on fusion. A commercial fusion plant readdy 2028 sounds completely insane. It is very different even from other fusion bulls. I wonder if he knows, something, or if he is talking out of his ass.


blueSGL t1_j532w0u wrote

Only thing I think it can be is the Helion reactor design. Extracting the energy directly rather than Heat > Steam > Turbine. I'd imagine that would lead to much cheaper plant design and fabrication. Also if the design is good at a specific scale then arrays can be constructed.



GlobusGlobus t1_j5492u1 wrote

Yes, this seems to be his argument.

It is still astonishing. Most people think fusion in the business *might* be physically possible in twenty to thirty years and even at that point it is unclear if it economically viable.