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gaudiocomplex t1_j6ct2mk wrote

There will be opponents to everything. We could achieve personal and societal utopia and there will be folks trying to ruin/undermine it because it doesn't align with their religion or general worldview.


turnip_burrito t1_j6cwrkw wrote

Yep, there will always be some people who are unhappy. If not these people over here, then those people over there.

Our goal isn't necessarily to make everyone happy. It's an impossible task.


GayHitIer t1_j6cs85y wrote

Rebellion against something billion if not trillion times smarter?

Yeah good luck with that.


imlaggingsobad t1_j6cya9z wrote

yes they will rebel, but it will be the same as how vegans don't eat animal products. In the future there will be lots of people that choose not to use AI. They will choose to live simple lives, and they'll be fine.


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j6d13uz wrote

There will be at least some resistance on some level, AI Art pretty much put that on display for us early on.

My best advice (if you’re a Transhumanist anyway) is not to worry about it, get your nano augmentations or migrate off of biology, merge with AGI, expand your consciousness etc… and just ignore luddites, progress always wins 99.99% of the time, reactionaries are just a historical meme, they’ve always been losers, like literally, they lose every single time.


IONaut t1_j6dj3k9 wrote

Part of the if and when of the question will depend on how AI is used. If it's used to take everybody's jobs but leaves everyone in squalor because capitalism fails to change fast enough to keep up with it then we're going to have a problem. If it's used to usher in a Utopia where everybody's needs are taken care of then it will probably be fine for a while. But as mentioned in other answers there will always be that percentage of people that it doesn't sit right with and they will eventually become seditious.


visarga t1_j6dk9gu wrote

It will be like electricity, everyone will use it. Electricity didn't make jobs disappear overall, but its existence was creative destruction in the job market. So many types of jobs wouldn't even exist without it.

Whenever a new tech quickly expands like this it will suck the profit on its own level while creating new opportunities one level above or below. Another example is open source - you can't compete with free, but you can build on it and you can make hardware for it.

So many companies used to make a profit selling closed source apps for what open source gives away for free - they go squashed, but nobody's crying for them, the field is still healthy. Other companies with other job offers will hire the same people.


Plenty-Side-2902 OP t1_j6d0xnm wrote

Do you think there will be organized groups who will try to shut down the ai's or hack them?


purgatorytea t1_j6doe4d wrote

I think AI could eventually get us to the point where we have MORE handmade items, if we desire, and build a more efficient system where we could access the creativity of people. By "people" I include both humans and future sentient AI (I'm imagining this point would be post 2030s/2040s)

Consumption of creative works is for entertainment, but another aspect is communication. Sometimes we purely want to be entertained, but other times we want to connect with the creators and see into their minds. I believe this will remain the case.

There will be an overload of content, from quickly generated content and (hopefully) also from creative people who will have more opportunities to express themselves. So, there might be changes to the system of how it's consumed, how people share content, how people make a living, how works can be relevant or become famous on a massive scale. I can't predict exactly what will happen, but I can imagine new systems coming into place, as they always have....and there might be a chaotic adjustment period if AI progresses faster than a new system can be brought into place. The adjustment period is likely to see hostility and opposition, especially from shortsighted people.

Based on what we're already seeing with AI art generators, there will be some who embrace new technology and others who resist, especially those who resist out of ignorance.