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IonizingKoala t1_j3d9uet wrote

Language is a way of knowing, but it's not the only one. Reason, emotion, and sense perception are also ways of knowing.


LoquaciousAntipodean t1_j3dbgqc wrote

That's true I suppose... but I see those things, 'reason, emotion and sense perception', as fundamentally arising from language, not necessarily from intelligence (with the possible exception of sense perception). Because 'intelligence' alone doesn't give a being any need to communicate, and all those evolved skills like reason and emotion are communicative in nature.

Personally I think Descartes was dead wrong when he had that special little thought; 'I think therefore I am'; that's not sound logic, it's a silly tautology. Intelligence isn't what creates language... *language* is what gives *intelligence* a reason to evolve in the first place. Intelligence doesn't arise in singular isolation - what would be the point of having it?

Evolutionary intelligence is more like the Ubuntu philosophy, '*We* think, therefore *we are*' - that's a much more realistic way of thinking of the nature of mind, in my humble opinion.