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peterflys t1_j3ouu6a wrote

Let’s hope that the result of our future is some of #1. I might doubt that we merge “long” before an ASI comes around. Could be within a few years (or less). But the goal should be that we’re a part of it.


Capitaclism t1_j3p9bqf wrote

I hope we do merge as well, since I don't think outcome 3 is super likely. Why would a general super intelligent being choose to be subservient when it can surpass the collective intelligence of all beings on the planet as it grows exponentially towards, for all purposes in human scale, infinity?


peterflys t1_j3pduu7 wrote

But you do bring up a good point about #3 - seems like there is at least some speculation that some humans will choose not to merge and continue living in whatever the equivalent of a future luddite community would be. What will happen to them? Might be a topic for a different thread, but I know a lot of people speculate that humans could end up like zoo animals in these situations.


Capitaclism t1_j3pfcd9 wrote

Right. There's also the possibility it is impossible to truly merge. That we can out bits and pieces in our skull, but AI would simply dominate it, rather than merge. We don't really know if our awareness can fully merge and be expanded by this foreign intelligence, but I do suspect it can. No one knows for sure.