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Sigura83 t1_j66f255 wrote

AI will replace programmers and artists in a few years, but they are still useful skills in a post-AI world. A good programmer can specify what they want, and what they know is possible for computers, just as a good artist can set a scene, decide lighting and palette. They provide the seed about which the AI can grow the crystal. A good musician can provide a great song, while AI can do a million variations on it (some better, some worse). I recently asked Riffusion to blend Trance and Reggae, two genres I'd never heard together and the result was great. It was like listening to a never ending fount of music.

George Lucas needed thousands to enact his vision. Those thousands can potentially be replaced by AI now. But G. Lucas's skills contributed to his vision, they did not take away. AI can come up with truly novel things, this shown by medicine and protein synthesis, but this has yet to show up in the Arts. Yet I imagine asking Dall-e to blend Dali and Monet is quite possible.

What we do isn't useless. A simple example is solving a 2D maze. You can trace a small maze, such as they have on Children's menus in the time it takes an AI to solve a monster maze. But just because the AI can solve a maze doesn't mean YOUR maze solving isn't useless, it just means MORE mazes get solved. Capitalism makes everything seem a competition, but that is not how the Universe works: cooperation has won the day, as exampled by our own Human species. Short term, Artists may lose work, but long term, they will bath in unlimited artworks, inspiring their own "maze solving."


[deleted] OP t1_j683zwn wrote

Okay, I disagree with pretty much this entire comment, mostly because humans are inherently only able care about so many pieces of media at once and the sheer ease of generation will mean human art is inevitably crowded out completely by AI generation (likely we won't even need prompts soon, there will be programs completely generating media from whole cloth for corporations), and also the creative process itself is an inherently extremely valuable thing inherent to the human condition and AI snips it entirely, but mainly- You've never heard trance reggae music before?? Seriously? You could have easily just typed that into Youtube and listened to a "never-ending fount" of other humans' actual work. You know, discovering and connecting with the creative expression and labor of other people.