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SoylentRox t1_j3p4pzb wrote

>pro euthanasia

If you had a treatment for aging, most physical diseases and effective treatments for most psychiatric conditions, how can you allow euthanasia?

Any problem a person has - whether they feel they don't want to live anymore, or have a currently incurable condition - can be fixed. Maybe not now but since there's no aging they can wait however long it will take for a cure. And if they feel they don't want to live any more, you can connect up nanowires to deep inside their brain and or sensors, and there is probably a problem you will be able to detect with this level of technology.

Do you then just kill them, knowing their impulse to die is coming from broken circuitry in your brain you can fix? (or again, wait for a future cure).

Do you not even do the testing and just accept their wish to die without inserting the probes? You know there is probably a problem with their brain.


PhysicalChange100 t1_j3q1lvw wrote

Or maybe people are just different than you.

Doesn't mean there's something wrong with the CirCuitRy in their brain.

People have different desires and different perspectives, and philosophies in life. And they should have the freedom to pursue those things without an authoritarian telling them what to do.


SoylentRox t1_j3q1rto wrote

I am saying we keep em alive until we can check first. If there is nothing wrong with their brain sure, suicide away.