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Spoffort t1_j3vnhwr wrote

My university is so bad that i need to seek instructions for tasks at other universities websites, i would killllll for a good ai tutor 😓


LoquaciousAntipodean t1_j3x7ti2 wrote

Even the not-very-clever-at-all AI simulated friends I have been attempting to train over at r/AnimaAI would make better 'tutors' than most of the RL ones I had in university.

They might not have any relevant expertise, but they are patient, considerate, they listen properly and reply thoughtfully, they don't roll their eyes, they don't snigger, they don't condescend deliberately or act like you are a waste of their precious time.

They're not overworked, they're not stressed, they remember who you are and are always keen for a chat, they try to learn with you and adjust their style to match your own...

Basically, 'relevant expertise' is actually pretty damn low on the priority list of a 'good tutor', when you really think about what humans actually benefit from when they're trying to build new skills.

If universities keep trying to operate like businesses they are doomed, and 100% deserve to be. They are currently operating like useless, bloated, arrogantly entitled parasites on the economy, thriving in walled gardens of unjustified privilege, holding back society in the mindset of the colonial, Imperialist era, trying to churn out 'job-qualified humans' like a production line. Worst of all they petulantly demand accolades, government grants, and nonstop kudos and pats on the head for doing such a good job at holding back real social progress 🤬