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Lawjarp2 t1_j64qwfc wrote

Or you know, increase supply.


grahag t1_j64ygs5 wrote

I agree entirely.

Predatory capitalism though incentivizes artificial scarcity to raise prices.

This is why regulation is a requirement.


Lawjarp2 t1_j65jkm8 wrote

Price control is opposite of what you want. Prices will drive down to nearly nothing if supply is pushed. What you should be afraid of is people in power no longer needing to obey you. Increasing government control or power is quick way to extinction when robots do all the work.


grahag t1_j65p1z0 wrote

So how do you force a supplier to ramp up their supply when they don't have to work as hard, spend as much resources, and will make MORE money by limiting the supply? What if they are a monopoly like an energy, medicine, or food provider?

>What you should be afraid of is people in power no longer needing to obey you.

This already occurs, but we have a process in place to remedy that with voting.

What remedy do I have when the single broadband provider in my neighborhood doubles it's prices for internet, considering that being connected is part of my livelihood? I take it on the chin.

What do I do when gas prices skyrocket? What do I do when food or electricity doubles in price? What can we do when healthcare costs quadruple in a 10 year period? We take it on the chin because we have no alternatives.

I'm capable, and I can afford it, but what is something that chips away at my finances may ruin a family who is not doing so well. When business won't do the right thing, you have to regulate them to DO the right thing.

The problem we're seeing is one that will cause repercussions YEARS down the road. Less people are having kids. Less people are spending on house. Less people are buying new cars. Less people are splurging on vacations. All that money that COULD be going into the economy is going on things they consider essential because they have no choice. Pooling that money into these industries that are ALREADY making record profits is bad for the economy, and bad for the citizens.


Lawjarp2 t1_j679l0r wrote

Dude the government can just build it's own production. When cost of production is cheap and labour infinite what prevents them or anyone from creating more production. People are overcomplicating things here.

None of the issues you mention matter if we are at a point when ubi has to be doled out because of AGI. The hyper deflation that will occur due to sudden increase in productivity means the governments can and probably have to print their way out anyway.


grahag t1_j6cgtbx wrote

Frankly, I think that's a great idea. The government SHOULD produce anything that is required to live. It doesn't have to be top shelf quality, but it would need to be an alternative to for-profit products and services.