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Smellz_Of_Elderberry t1_j5uceeb wrote

I think this take is correct. Showed my father how easy it is to deep fake and create fake video, he said "I will never trust anything I see online again". Lots of folks are already leaving social media and online connectedness behind, I kinda think it's a good thing...

People shouldn't trust what they see online. That's been the case for a long while... This is hopefully going to start solidifying our real world relationships again, something which has kinda been ruined due to social media.

I imagine that going forward tech will continue to advance rapidly.. But that we will see people push away from certain aspects of it, like being always online, always connected, and having a ton of social media sites.. Instead I think people are going to realize that everything online is easily fakable and live more here. With less of a focus on trying to appear the most popular on their social feed.. To me, it's the rebirth of people being genuine.

I'll probably pull back as well. Not in a luddite kind of way, but simply remove tech from the things I don't really need it for. I enjoy cooking on an open flame for example, I don't need a fancy electric oven. But I'll still watch movies at the end of the day. Likely movies which are dreamed up by our DVD player.


BaldyBeardyMan t1_j5ulgtf wrote

That's a really healthy take on the issue, so thank you for posting it. I needed to read something like this .


ChefAntony t1_j661ow3 wrote

Thank you so much man this is what I needed. I sincerely hope this is how the public starts to view things. A world where a majority of the once-human driven things is driven by AI scares me a lot.


Smellz_Of_Elderberry t1_j66egx0 wrote

I sometimes get scared to. But I'm also hopeful, I think it will improve our lives, it just might make them harder in ways as well.

I would love it if my job were automated haha. It's hard, and I don't particularly enjoy it. I'd rather do other things. In many ways i want to live a life with less tech.. but I think the way to that is through more of it.. at least for those who choose that life.

Here's to a good future.