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RabidHexley t1_j5usxxx wrote

> We will be soon desensitized with art as we know it today (pretty looking photos, beautiful landscapes, renaissance work), because when things become too cheap to produce without requiring any expertise, it automatically diminishes in value and society will come up with new trend

I already kind of feel like this is the case. Not on an individual level, I can still be impressed and enjoy work, and I don't think that will really change.

But what were previously virtuosic displays of skill in many domains aren't remotely as novel as they used to be. Simply due to the mass proliferation of skill and material access, the number of people who posses the technical skill of those previously considered masters is fairly huge.

If you're an aspiring artist or creative in any domain, you already have to assume there are thousands and thousands of people who are as good or better than you will likely ever be. AI changes the economic paradigm to be sure, but I'm not sure how much AI will change the emotional paradigm of why people pursue creation.