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Vulcan_MasterRace t1_j9hgqv4 wrote

This is by far the coolest thing I've read in a long time!!!

"Under DARPA's Demonstration Rocket for Agile Cislunar Operations (DRACO) program, the agencies plan on launching a spacecraft powered by a Nuclear Thermal Reactor (NTR) engine in Earth orbit by 2027."

The DRACO name alone is cool as shit..

One issue I have is how tf did Blue Origin get a contract... What have they proven to even get mentioned as a company worth contracting with?


rocketsocks t1_j9hka8y wrote

They cracked the code. For Artemis they helped put together the "National Team" along with Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and many others. They figured out how to shmooze and lobby with the best of the best in the aerospace biz. Now they're a major sub-contractor for ULA and they've got their hooks into all the juicy government contracts.


MrBlockhead t1_j9jwa9a wrote

Tinfoil theory: Bezos reminded the decision makers that they have Alexa at their and their mistresses' homes.


Angdrambor t1_j9k4v4d wrote

I can't imagine being jeff and *not* doing that.


Mitthrawnuruo t1_j9ksfib wrote

By tinfoil hat you mean the most likely reason.

Considering their record is worse then India’s space program at this point.


SaintVeloth420 t1_j9kvmhq wrote

India’s space program is pretty amazing, comparing them to Blue Origin is an insult


Starsimy t1_j9kod58 wrote

For reaching alpha centauri in 15.000 years instead of 18.000?


Shrike99 t1_j9lqn0s wrote

NTRs are for getting stuff around the solar system more efficiently - though in many cases NEP would be better, I wish that was getting as much attention.

For interstellar travel though you want a fission fragment engine as a bare minimum, preferably fusion propulsion of some sort.